Summer 2017 lesson information

PDF of summer lesson info

2017 Summer Lesson Information – Jennifer Stomberg

Date of last lesson of the semester by day:
Monday: 6/12
Tuesday: 6/6
Wednesday: 6/7
Thursday: 6/8
Saturday: 6/17

If I don’t owe you any make-up lessons, you may start summer lessons any day following your last spring semester lesson:
Monday students: 6/13 or later
Tuesday students: 6/7 or later
Wednesday students: 6/8 or later
Thursday students: 6/9 or later
Saturday students: 6/19 or later

I will be in touch with you individually with how many make-up lessons I owe you. All make-up lessons must be completed by the end of June.

I will be teaching summer lessons on the following days in IN WILMINGTON ONLY:
Tuesday, June 13 – Friday, June 16
Monday, June 19 – Friday, June 23
Monday, July 10 – Thursday, July 13
Monday, July 17 – Friday, July 21 (this week, only evening lessons)
Monday, July 24 – Thursday, July 27

You only need to register and pay for 2 hours of lessons. If you take more, the school will bill you for the extra lessons.

You may take more than one lesson per week, if our schedules allow.

You may (should!) take some of your lessons with Ms. Rowena or Mr. Eric if I am out of town on weeks you would like lessons.

Please send me your day/time preferences in the Remind app and I will start working on a schedule.

Please consider attending the Youth Strings Camp (July 17-21) if you are age 6-12 and Book 2-4. If you are more advanced or older, consider DOCMI (August 7-11.) No auditions necessary for YSC. Call the front desk to schedule an audition for DOCMI.

If you are Book 1-4, and would be interested in a cello group class on Thursday evenings at the same time as the violin class (July 13, 20, 27 and August 3) 6-7pm, please let me know and I will see if we have enough students to run the class.

Iguazu Rapids Practice Videos!!!

Hot off the presses….not a moment too soon….they’re finally ready!

Melody slow with words

Melody at tempo

Cello 2 slow

Cello 2 at tempo

Cello 3 slow and at tempo (same video)

Cello 4 slow and at tempo (same video)

Here is the recording I posted earlier:

This is the “backing” recording (accompaniment) all parts should sound OK to play along:

Suzuki Day 2017 Info

Suzuki Day is Saturday, March 25, 2017. Please plan to attend all day (9am-5pm) although your personal schedule might not include all of those hours. There is a link below which will tell you which group you are in, and the times and rooms you can find your classes. Please read the participant letter from Ms. Shelley!! If you have any concerns or find a conflict in your schedule, you need to contact her directly. I am not authorized to to make any changes to your schedule. However, if you just have a general question, I’m happy to answer as best I can. 

If you are in Group A or B, you should have a masterclass, a group class, the cello play-in and an enrichment class. If you are in Group C, you will have a group class, an art enrichment class and the cello play-in. If you find that you aren’t assigned to one of these events, please let Ms. Shelley know.

You may wear the 10th anniversary Tshirt instead of the SA uniform shirt, if you choose.

Parents, please attend parent enrichment classes – AS MANY AS YOU CAN!! The topics are listed, and there is one nearly every hour. If you need babysitting during the class, that is also usually available. This is a great opportunity to get to know the other Suzuki Academy Faculty, and developing all three “legs” of the Suzuki Triangle is a key aspect of getting the most out of your Suzuki experience. If you don’t know what the “legs” are, YOU NEED PARENT ENRICHMENT!

PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND THE FACULTY RECITAL AT 1PM! You may eat your lunch while attending the recital, if it’s the only time you have to eat. 🙂

Suzuki Day Class Rosters and Schedule

Suzuki Day 2017 Participant Letter

Suzuki Day 2017 Cello Review List

Please note: Iguazu Rapids is NOT part of the Suzuki Day repertoire!

Day in Old New Castle 2016

Here is the repertoire for “Day in Old New Castle”
Twinkles in D*
French Folk Song in D*
Lightly Row in D*
Song of the Wind in D*
Perpetual Motion in D*
Cripple Creek*
Minuet 1 in C
Minuet 2 in C
Musette in D
Hunter’s Chorus in G
Witches’ Dance in G with the dance
* indicates with violins
The event is Saturday, May 21 at 1:00pm in Historic Old New Castle Delaware. Here is a link to the event: Day in Old New Castle
You will need to bring a chair and your cello strap. Wear your Suzuki Academy uniform. There will be NO MUSIC STANDS, so all music (including any duet parts) must be memorized.